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  三维训练法第三部分 高考英语阅读理解语篇的读解能力培养
  ①For almost two months Dominic York, a 23-year-old hairdresser, wandered about hospitals all night, wearing a white coat and pretending he was a doctor. ②Yesterday he proudly claimed in court that despite his complete lack of medical experience or qualifications, he had saved several people’s lives. ③He had even been allowed to assist a surgeon during an emergency operation on a patient who was about to die on something she had swallowed.
  ◆ 本段交代了几件事情?
  首句介绍了一个叫Dominic York的青年几乎两个月以来在医院周边走动。后两句话讲述这名青年干过的“伟业”。
  ◆ 句②和句③是什么关系?
  ◆ 句②交代了什么重要内容?
  答:该句的in court表明该人上了法庭。句②和句③的内容都是Dominic York在法庭上的陈述。
  ①“I watched one of those TV dramas about a hospital and suddenly I felt like playing one of the roles myself. ②So I put on a white jacket and a stethoscope(听诊器)and walked around one of the biggest hospital in London. ③At first I just watched. ④Once you learn how doctors talk to patients, nurses and others doctors, it’s easy to take people in,” he said.
  ◆ 本段交代了几件事情?
  答:本段交代了两件事情。针对上段第一句讲述Dominic York的青年几乎两个月以来在医院周边走动,本段句①句②说明了他这么做的原因。句③和句④讲述这名青年到医院后的举动以及如此举动的原因。
  ◆ 句③和句④是什么关系?
  答:句④是对句③的解释说明。青年Dominic York为什么在一开始仅仅在那儿观察(just watch)?因为他知道,一旦(once)学会了医生是如何讲话的,那么自己就能顺利地冒充,而不被人识破。
  ①One of the patients he treated was Laura Kennan. ②She had been knocked down by a car and fainted. ③When she came to in hospital, York was standing over her.
  ◆ 本段交代了几件事情?
  答:本段交代了三件事情。第一件事情是介绍一名被Dominic York治疗过的叫作Laura Kennan病人;再就是介绍这个病人因何事被送往医院;最后交代该人一进医院,Dominic York就站在她旁边。
  ◆ 句②交代了什么重要内容?
  答:该句介绍了Laura Kennan因何被送往医院:是因为被汽车撞倒后不省人事。
  ①“He looked very professional. ②He told me his name was Doctor Simon. ③Then he gave me some sort of injection,” she said. ④And then he suddenly cleared off when a nurse asked who he was. ⑤She didn’t think there was anything wrong. ⑥“I would never have realized he was a fake if a policewoman hadn’t showed me his photograph a week later. ⑦When the policewoman told me who he really was, I could hardly believe my ears.”
  ◆ 本段交代了几件事情?
  答:本段是女病人Laura Kennan对当时情景的讲述。可以推断,Laura Kennan是在法庭(in court)的证人席上讲此番话的。
  ◆ 句①句②和句③交代了什么重要内容?
  答:该句交代了Laura Kennan见到假医生Dominic York后的第一印象。他虽然是个冒牌医生,但是看上去很是专业(very professional),还起了个假称呼(Doctor Simon)。这个假医生还给Laura Kennan注射了什么。
  ◆ 句④和句⑤以及句⑥是什么关系?
  答:句⑤是对句④的交代说明。句④讲Dominic York被护士询问后突然(suddenly)消失(clear off),按说这一情况很是令人生疑,可也许是因为他装得太专业了(looked very professional),以至于Laura Kennan不认为这有什么不对劲(didn’t think there was anything wrong)。
  ◆ 句⑥和句⑤是什么关系?
  答:句⑥是对句⑤的进一步说明。不但她(Laura Kennan)当时没看出异常,就是事后也觉察不出异常。要不是警察提醒,她将永远被瞒在鼓里。句⑥的语气是对过去事情的一种虚拟假设:“要不是警察在一周后向他出示该假医生的照片,她将永远不能意识到(would never have realized)该人是冒牌医生。”而事实上呢,警察既出示了照片,她也意识到了该人是冒牌大夫。
  ◆ 句⑦交代了什么重要内容?
  答:句⑦侧面强化了句①。他装得太象了(looked very professional),以至于当Laura Kennan被告之真相后,竟然几乎不敢(could hardly)相信自己的耳朵(believe my ears)。
  ①Judge Raymond Adams told York that he was “shocked and horrified” that he got away with his deceiving for so long. ②And then sentenced him to eighteen months in a special prison for criminal with mental disorders.
  ◆ 本段交代了几件事情?
  答:由于文章首段句②里的in court交代了假医生Dominic York在法庭上做着陈述,因此本段笔锋一转,讲起了法庭里的另一主角:法官。本段描述法官的审判感受以及断案结果。
  ◆ 句①句②交代了什么重要内容?
  答:句①交代了法官的审判感受,假医生屡屡得手后的逃离令他(he)又惊又怕(shocked and horrified)。是呀,这假大夫治病,那后果可难说啊。
  句②交代了法官的审判结果,他把这假大夫Dominic York关到一个为精神异常的犯人准备的特殊监狱里,刑期18个月。
  ①“I can only hope that this will not lead to further problems. ②After all, you will have considerable opportunity to study the behaviour of the psychiatrists(精神科医生)who will look after you while you are there. ③If you try to persuade people that you yourself are a psychiatrist after you are set free, I shall make sure that you are given a much longer sentence.” Judge Adams warned York.
  ◆ 本段交代了什么事情?
  答:本段交代了法官在审判后对被告人Dominic York的警告(warning)。
  ◆ 句①和句②是什么关系?
  答:句②是对句①的解释说明。为什么法官讲自己仅能希望(can only hope)这将不会导致更多麻烦(further problems)?是因为Dominic York被关进了一个常接触医生的监狱,在那里其有足够的机会去观察学习(have considerable opportunity to study)精神科医生的举止,万一他出狱后改成冒充精神科医生,干起了精神病治精神病的事儿,岂不更遭?
  ◆ 句③交代了什么重要内容?
  答:为了防止出现句①所述的更多麻烦,法官只能威胁被告:“要是你敢在释放后(after you are set free)冒充精神科医生,我定将加重判决”。
